Threads tagged #jerusalemjugglingmeeting

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Circus Playtime - the Jerusalem juggling meeting


Uri Zaltzman -

Hi All,

I'm new to the juggling edge, not so new to juggling. If youre ever in Israel over the summer stop by our weekly juggling meet.


York Jugglers - - Parent

Hi Uri,

Thanks for the invite, am guessing your weekly juggling meet is Circus Playtime - the Jerusalem juggling meeting #Jerusalemjugglingmeeting

You will find people without facebook accounts cannot see your facebook groups page, at York Jugglers we tried to get round this by having an facebook organisation page as well, as these are viewable to non-facebook users (at the moment) but not sure having to have more facebook pages might be confusing for people. Hopefully the travelling jugglers will see your Juggling Edge listing with e-mail address and phone number.

Slightly envious that you have nice enough weather to have an outdoor regular meeting at 8 in the evening

pumpkineater23 - - Parent

Hey hello Uri.

Little Paul - - Parent

Hi Uri, welcome aboard!

I've heard great things about the Israeli Juggling Festival, have you ever been? Also (bit of a longshot) do you know Itsik Orr?

Scott Seltzer - - Parent

FYI - Itsik has changed his name to Kulo. He's still on the juggling scene. His finale in the Israeli show at IJC was absolutely brilliant.

Nicholas - - Parent

Just curious, is this the act he performed? It's very cool.

Scott Seltzer - - Parent

Yes, it's a new and much improved version of that concept.


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