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Orinoco -

For anyone who would like the Causal diagrams for Aidan's piece on Chocolate Bars (you'll need to have render causal diagrams checked under your settings):

The Chocolate Box

3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3
3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3a 3 3
3 3b 3 3 3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3
3 3 3e 3a 3 3 3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e
3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3 3b 3 3 3d

The Low Fat Chocolate Box

3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3
3a 3c 3 3 3c 3c 3 3 3c 3a 3 3
3 3b 3d 3 3b 3b 3 3d 3b 3 3d 3d
3 3 3c 3a 3 3 3a 3c 3 3 3c 3c

Suburban Terror Feed
(so not the looking the wrong way feed then...)

3b 3b 3 3
3a 3a 3c 3c
3 3 3b 3b

Six Person Double Chocolate Box

3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3
3a 3c 3c 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3a 3 3c
3 3b 3b 3f 3b 3 3f 3d 3 3 3d 3b
3 3e 3e 3a 3e 3 3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e
3f 3d 3d 3 3d 3b 3 3 3b 3f 3 3d
3e 3 3 3c 3 3 3c 3 3 3e 3 3

Seven Person Double Chocolate Box

3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3
3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3a 3 3
3d 3b 3 3f 3b 3 3f 3d 3 3d 3d 3
3c 3e 3e 3a 3e 3g 3a 3c 3g 3c 3c 3e
3 3d 3d 3 3d 3b 3 3f 3b 3 3f 3d
3 3 3g 3c 3 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3g
3 3 3f 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3f

Eight Person Double Chocolate Box

3b 3 3 3d 3 3 3d 3 3 3b 3 3
3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3a 3 3
3f 3b 3 3h 3b 3 3h 3d 3 3f 3d 3
3 3 3e 3a 3 3 3a 3c 3 3 3c 3e
3 3f 3d 3 3f 3b 3 3h 3b 3 3h 3d
3c 3e 3 3 3e 3g 3 3 3g 3c 3 3
3 3 3h 3 3 3f 3 3 3f 3 3 3h
3 3 3g 3c 3 3 3c 3e 3 3 3e 3g

#passing #ezine

Kelhoon - - Parent

I just see a huge white box with one little black letter A in it.  What am I supposed to see ?

Orinoco - - Parent

You should see a load of causal diagrams. You're on FF right? It's working for me in FF 3.5.5 at the moment. Could you please email me a screen shot or somesuch of what you are seeing?

Kelhoon - - Parent

FF 10.0.1

I did a right-click view image and it is exactly as I described, a large white rectangle with a small black letter "A" near the top left corner.

Little Paul - - Parent

It's working fine for me in FF 10.0.2 (Linux) and I wouldn't have thought there were that many differences?

Little Paul - - Parent

Thinking about it, it's a javascript/html5/canvas widgety thing - so when it fails do you get anything in the error console? They seem to have hidden the menu option for the error console in recent versions, but "Ctrl-Shift-J" still works.

Hit clear then reload the page, see if you get anything useful coming up?

Kelhoon - - Parent

3 errors in the CSS, but, the reload of the tab shows me a lovely crissy crossy diagram, weird a reload didn't fix it yesterday though.

Orinoco - - Parent

Just tried to download & install the latest version to try & work out what is going on. I thought I'd left it all behind but the Opera zealotry just came flooding right back!

At a guess from what you describe though, I think you are having the same problem that Void had. You have an old version of siteswap.js cached which is picking up the 3b & converting it into a siteswap link. If you clear that & pick up the new version all should hopefully work as expected.


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