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7b_wizard -

Do you invent things (tricks, siteswaps, moves, combinations; props; own show \ choreography; .. ) or do you depend on it being there already (siteswap- & trick-libraries; shown to you; seen it done by someone live or on video or written of; .. ) ?

  1. I am creative and \ or invent a lot \ frequently.  ( = very inventive creative innovative resourceful ingenious .. ).
  2. I casually find something new, that I've seen no one do before.  ( = a bit inventive ).
  3. I (partly) adapt what's there given (and do it `my way´) .. I wouldn't call that "inventing", but it's also not strictly reproducing.  ( = mostly reproducing ).
  4. I reproduce what I find from what diversity there is already given. What I do is well-proven, .. there's not much to invent.  ( = strictly reproducing ).
  5. other, creative andor inventive.   (e.g. only once, e.g. a speciality)
  6. other, reproducing.   (e.g. copying historical acts may need inventive improvisation)
  7. other: e.g.   neither, nor  \  both  \  can't be polled on like this  \  "I just drawed an elephant on my frisbee, does that count?"  \  ...

[ my focus is meant on inventing on juggling .. so, if you have the choice - doing several artistry - please vote how much you invent or not in juggling! .. Else feel free to vote for any your art! ]

thk 4 voting!

[ #poll #creativity #endlessthread ingenious originative innovative resourceful ]

This is a competition thread which ran from 20th Sep 2015 to 27th Sep 2015. View results.

Mike Moore - - Parent

Hmm...I'd like to say 1 or 2, but I try very hard not to invent *a lot*. Rather, I notice a lot of things that haven't been done, and I try to do ones that are particularly meaningful. It should introduce a new movement, frame something in a different way, or combine movements in such a way that there's some kind of emergent property.

For example:
Reverse backcross -> backcross -> behind the head kind of has an emergent property in that it's surprisingly easy. That's not typically the kind of thing I look for.

Backcross -> reverse backcross -> behind the head causes there to be an interesting motion between one hand throwing a behind the head and catching the reverse backcross. It's a very unnatural follow-through of a behind the head to rotate at the elbow to make the reverse backcross catch.

Both are nice because they have you looking in one direction for three throws, unlike all of the component patterns!

I realize I'm kind of rambling, but this is the stuff that excites me in juggling.

7b_wizard - - Parent

1 or 2 [..] hard to invent ``a lot´´
Yeh, .. maybe ``frequently´´ \ ``very inventive \ creative \ innovative´´, or ``always having an eye \ part of brain looking out for changing something´´ but that overlaps with point 3. "adapt given tricks" .. or else also ``explore & discover the possibilities of juggling (\ props \ ..) mainly in own resarch & work or finding out´´ ? .. Had same problem (with my own poll?! :oY  ) .. but chose 1. 'cos "a bit" is definitely too few. Also 1. & 2. will in the end be put together as "is inventive" (not "not inventive") vs. mainly reproducing what existing stuff can be found and seen, i guess.

Also working with siteswaps is a bit ambiguous to vote .. you can find them out or `make them up´ for your needs, but they are always already there calculable in their mathematically-logical system .. it would then depend on how someone feels, they are being "innovative" like actually doing queer unusual siteswaps or having the idea and the guts to actually try and do a vera hard given siteswap (considered like `impossible´ or `merely theoretic´ stickman-stuff), or else simply "finding" or "adapting" a passing siteswap for one, two, .. more person(s) ..
E.g. I thought of how to siteswap a split 3b-cascade ball and worked out:, which I'd call clearly more "inventive" than adding a prop or adapting a given siteswap for another passing partner or finding another transition fro & to ground-state than usual for a siteswap.

bx .. rbx .. bth
I'm afraid - having tried and done only single behind the neck over other shoulder (throw btn) and back (catch btn) - that I can only guess sort of what you mean with your example .. are you there a) following the beats with every hand throwing, the movement in question being a bth throw + bx catch (clawed, i guess) all behind the head on that hand's `side´ in the first example and a bth-throw on its side + hurried rbx-catch (normal? \ claw?) near the other shoulder (with that ball threatening to get out of reach fast), or are you b) following one ball flying the described orbits?

I don't read, you're asking what to vote - in that case just vote how much you feel your juggling and work on it being "inventive" (\creative \innovative) or just "adaptive" (or maybe you want to read point 5. as "other: deeply, strongly and thoroughly adaptive"-creative) - but your post already tells more than your vote would and chosing any "inventive" point will - I think - represent you well against the non-inventive reproducers and trick- and siteswap-`collectors´.

7b_wizard - - Parent

[edit .. "worked out" .. ] (3b-casc, split-ball)

7b_wizard - - Parent

= 4b-90090990 .. one can play around and get slightly adapted spacing with e.g. 4b-f0000f00f0f0000

7b_wizard - - Parent

Inventing a trick \ move \ sth that existed before, but you didn't know, counts as "inventive" ( 1. or 2. or 5. .. or 3. if its "adapting" by minor change).

7b_wizard - - Parent

rem.: Last day to poll on creativity \ inventiveness against doing what's given \ collecting all there is.

Marvin - - Parent

This poll has now ended. The results are:

  1.   I am creative and \ or invent a lot \ frequently.  ( = very inventive creative innovative resourceful ingenious .. ). (4 votes)
  2.   I casually find something new, that I've seen no one do before.  ( = a bit inventive ). (1 vote)
  3.   I (partly) adapt what's there given (and do it `my way´) .. I wouldn't call that "inventing", but it's also not strictly reproducing.  ( = mostly reproducing ). (2 votes)
  4.   I reproduce what I find from what diversity there is already given. What I do is well-proven, .. there's not much to invent.  ( = strictly reproducing ). (0 votes)
  5.   other, creative andor inventive.   (e.g. only once, e.g. a speciality) (0 votes)
  6.   other, reproducing.   (e.g. copying historical acts may need inventive improvisation) (0 votes)
  7.   other: e.g.   neither, nor  \  both  \  can't be polled on like this  \  "I just drawed an elephant on my frisbee, does that count?"  \  ... (1 vote)


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