Threads tagged #15cbmcp

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Viewing all threads tagged #15cbmcp.

This tag could refer to:
15° Convenção Brasileira de Malabarismo, Circo e Palhaço


lucasgabd -

give away - 1 pre register for the Brazilian Juggling conv!

The 15th CBMCP (Brazilian juggling, circus and clowns convention) is coming! You can win a pre-registration on Malabarize-se giveaway! It's worth it even if you're not going to the event, you can give as a gift!

It's easy: 

1. register on the giveaway on Malabarize-se fanpage

2. like the 15ª Convenção Brasileira de Malabarismo, Circo e Palhaços

3: share the video on your facebook!

4. Enjoyed the initiative? Comment on youtube what you expect of the event!

Mïark - - Parent

Have a hash tag #15CBMCP

lucasgabd - - Parent


Daniel Simu - - Parent

Does it come with a flight ticket from Europe to Brazil?....

lucasgabd - - Parent

unfortunately not =/


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