7b_wizard's practice log

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3 heavy balls, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 3 clubs basics, 3 clubs tricks, 5 heavy balls, 5 balls, 278 minutes

3c basics, tricks - 10 min Doubles. Triples. 34530.
3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 100 min. Always droppy.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 10 min. 7- and wristy 6-high.
5b 56752 - 35 min. Two 10 sides' runs, one of which clean. A few 9th sides.
Drove to under bridge here on account of rain and had a snack break.
more 5b 56752 - 15 min. (no long runs anymore)
7b casc - 100 min. One 51 (or 59? started counting only after a period or two) throws longest run. Rest 41 t and below. [ daily7b II: 54 (the middle)]
5b fastest - 8 min. Upto 30+. One very long run around 50+(?), but with about two to three periods above head high.

Total practice time: 278 minutes

Location: #outdoors

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