7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 3 heavy balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 heavy balls, 210 minutes

( It was warm enough to go in the shade today. )
3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 25 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 7 min. 255 throws varying on heights.
9b flashing - 12 min. Bad. <=6 gather. Moskitos disturbing, searched 5 mins for a ball lost in the grass, washed the balls (for them to be brighter when searching them in the grass), then decided to quit 9b under such conditions for today.
5b 52567 - 55 min. Upto 8th and 9th sides. Okay stint.
7b casc - 110 min. Only a 43 and a 47 throws longest runs. ( .. and again lost time searching a ball in the grass. ) [ daily7b II: 47 ]

Total practice time: 210 minutes

Location: shady rivershore-meadow

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