Maria's practice log

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3 clubs, 4 clubs, 65 minutes

Warm up

4 clubs:
Fountain, doubles

3 clubs:
Multiplex practice: Catching in circus grip. I saw a video on FB where someone did 4c juggling with multiplexes (duplexes) and wanted to try, bur realized I can't because I need to catch clubs in circus grip while juggling. So I did some practice on that. Mostly by throwing one club first (crossing single), then throwing two clubs from the other hand, then trying to catch the two clubs while still holding the first one and get a circus grip in that hand.

Siteswap 5 as doubles:
55500 with hand clap
552, starting with my left hand. Trying to start from circus grip in my left hand, too. Not sure if I need to learn that, but since I start with circus grip when holding 3 clubs (in my right hand) it feels like I should try to do circus grip in my left hand as well.
55550 didn't work

Total practice time: 65 minutes

Location: Kvisthamraskolan (Cirkus Mani)

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