7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 5 balls, 3 balls, 4 balls, 8 balls triplex, 7 balls triplex, 260 minutes

3b freestyle, misc - 30 min. Freestyle: reachovers, claws, penguins, columns, outside, slams, (all mainly single throws, no consecutive same). Tried penguin-Ones (with no distinct siteswap). Bx-splits. Gotta integrate more body throws into that freestyle to enrich it, like fast BX, under the arm, °5241°, back of hand, ell-rollers, which I all do seperately and consecutively.   4b synch fountains - 5 min. Same like May, 29th .. reverse works better for me (aiming along imaginary poles in front of my shoulders, or at some middle flight-point high far above the pattern); no chance with inside (to outside) throws ( I'm only throwing balls away out of reach then O.o ).   5b casc varied - 15 min. Several goes at 7b-height endure, max 26 sets of 8 throws.   7b casc 90 min. (Bubbles again). Several good runs, some >=30 throws, one - if not estimated sets of 8 wrong - 49 throws. Got driven into 3d like throwing from little ahead slightly backwards avoiding collisions. Interesting technique if can be done at will. One run, I managed to get back to normal (inside throws) after got driven to that halfshower-like pattern with strong-hand outside throws .. I do have control sometimes!   Reflection: Intuitive instinctive high throws of a (which? next?) ball when recovering an outbreaker s p o i l the pattern and make it break down! ( One would have to do another like three(? from that hand?) or six(? from both?) higher throws to keep the balls' spaces ) --> So, - without the skill to handle these height differences - one must handle outbreakers with faster dwell-time only in order to stick to (!) the right tact.

3b freestyle, misc - 15 min.5b casc varied - 20 min. At 9b-height, maybe like 30 throws. Fastest. Improving speed, but not longer runs. Few °25[53]° aswell.   7b casc - 75 min. Had to fight back into pattern with arms of pudding (by forcing a speedy swift start with looser wrists). Worked .. good form after that. Another good runs. 8b triplex - 5 min. 8b - [6222][7222][222][222][567][222]2[567][22]2 a.s.o. with [567][22]2 (intended). Can hardly be more difficult than 7b - [345][567]722[22][22] Few catches .. too many low balls pattering down.   .. okey, then 7b triplex - 5 min. Same. More time and practise needed.

Total practice time: 260 minutes

Location: uneven cobbles under bridge

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