Maria's practice log

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3 clubs, 4 clubs, 60 minutes

Warm up

4 clubs:
Fountain, doubles. Got a round with 193 catches.
552 (triple triple flip) once and back to fountain
5353 from fountain and back to fountain, got it once with triples from my right, didn't quite get the "back to fountain"-part with triples from my left.
Sync fountain, doubles

3 clubs:
Placing a club in "club on club" balance, and back to cascade.

Total practice time: 60 minutes

Location: Kvisthamraskolan (Cirkus Mani)

Comments (2)
Stephen Meschke - It's hard to collect three MMX balls in one hand. I injured the webbing between my ring and middle fingers by repeatedly catching three MMX balls in my left hand. Now, I collect four of the balls, and move them all to my right hand/arm and then catch the fifth one, alone, in my left hand.
Maria - I might be satisfied with catching the last one with both hands once I get a bit more catches. Right now catching each ball in the correct hand is more about feeling that the throws landed were they were supposed to. I doubt I'll ever try 6 balls anyway, more interested in club juggling and passing.