Practice logs

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Showing all entries dated: Friday, 22 May 2015



3 clubs, 40 minutes

Mostly atrocious, dropped on pretty much everything.

5 clubs, 10 minutes

Poor starts but managed to get most runs going, couple 200+ & one 300+.

handstands, 10 minutes

Lots of good stands again.

club passing, 10 minutes

With Dominique again. 3 count, PSSPSPPS, ultimates, Jim's 3 count & Why not?

Total practice time: 70 minutes

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7 balls, 5 balls, 9 balls flashing, 280 minutes

5b casc blind - 30 min. Imagine the aiming area seems to work better. Three times 3 gathers.   5b casc varied - 15 min. Very high.   Longer runs at 7b-height (>=40 c).   9b casc flashing - 35 min.7b casc - 50 + 55 min. Swift + "hurry!" is good (forces myself in swift technique with loose wrist), felt good a lot again, yet no counted run >40 c, many >30 throws. Why no new PR? Still too many fails, too much finding into pattern at all, let alone find into viable endurance mode /pattern /technique. Good phases too few and too short, yet remain promising for that °breakthrough°, I'm hoping on.

5b casc varied - 25 min.7b casc - 70 min. Not fresh enough anymore for "forcing unleashed towards end of session" to give good long runs.

Condition: pretty windy (disturbing small flashing balls, not bubbles).

Total practice time: 280 minutes

Location: meadow by the river

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