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Showing all entries dated: Sunday, 26 April 2015



handstands, 20 minutes

First decent handstand session for a while. Did usual stuff but also tried moving shoulders back & forth rather than up & down which I found really difficult. I think my natural handstand might have my shoulders too far forward.

Total practice time: 20 minutes

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5 clubs, 20 minutes

5 club backcrosses. Got something like 25 once, most runs about 9-15 catches.

first to 5 combat, 40 minutes

Two main games and the last to 2 points, with JJ, DJ, Eoin, Niklas, Corinna, Flo, Julian (new person) and me.
Game 1: JJ 5, Luke 4, Eoin 4, others less.
Game 2: Luke 5, JJ 3, Eoin 3, others less.
Game 3: JJ 2, Luke 1, Eoin 1, others 0.

Overall, 1 win 2 losses.

Total practice time: 60 minutes

Location: Rochstrasse

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Mike Moore

Full session, Explorative, Recording, 170 minutes

Not feeling quite as invincible as yesterday, but still very good. Qualified #HLAIB 3 times consecutively, and got 12 catches of it a few times. It's starting to feel runnable. Dear god, finally. It's easily my hardest pattern, and it'll be nice when I can run it long enough to make recording it worthwhile.

Recorded the footage for my #4bdots video. Hoping it makes some waves, I really like that family of patterns and think it's a general idea with interesting applications.

Total practice time: 170 minutes

Location: Roz

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Diabolo, 120 minutes

Training for the end show

Total practice time: 120 minutes

Location: Rcae

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