Chickpea & Chorizo Curry

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Orinoco -

Chickpea & Chorizo Curry

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion
Some chorizo
2 Tbsp curry powder
1 can of chickpeas in water

Slice the onion & chorizo.

Fry the onion, chorizo & curry powder together in a pan with the oil for 3-4 minutes until onion softens.

Drain then add chickpeas to pan, cook for another 5-6 minutes.

On its own serves one, with rice would serve two.

This is the easiest curry I've ever cooked & it tastes good too. Thought I'd share because it is really cheap, quick, easy, can be cooked on one burner & in one pan, & scales nicely if a friend does the rice on their stove. Which means it qualifies for inclusion in my repertoire of recipes to cook while camping at a juggling convention.

#recipe #camping

Dee - - Parent

Tasty, quick and easy... just perfect for camping.  I'll give it a go later this week to see if any amendments are needed for my palate.
Maybe we should compile these in advance of #EJC2014 and then pass on the ingredient lists to the shops in Millstreet...

Little Paul - - Parent

I didn't feel like giving this its own thread, but I've just baked a batch of these:

Cheese & Marmite straws.

2oz butter
2oz strong cheddar
4oz self raising flour
2 large teaspoons of marmite (if you don't like marmite, or it's not available locally, a heaped teaspoon of paprika and a pinch of salt works nicely instead)

Chuck the whole lot in a food processor and mix until it comes together[1] Roll it out until it's about 1/4" thick. Cut into strips about 1/2" wide and 6" long and lay them out on a baking sheet.

Bake at 180C for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Cool them on a wire rack.

Try not to chain eat the whole batch in one sitting. Which is the step I have most trouble with.

[1] If you don't have a food processor, rub the butter into the flour, then grate in the cheese in with a fine grater and add the marmite. Then kneed the whole lot until it comes together, but don't go mad and overwork it.

Orinoco - - Parent

I have some of these in the oven right now. I mixed by hand & am worried I might have over done it with the kneeding but should be ok.

Orinoco - - Parent

They came out well, although I will only be using 1 tsp of Marmite for my next batch.

Little Paul - - Parent

Heh! Fair enough, I am rather overkeen on marmite at times :)


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